Posts tagged donations
How Facebook Fundraising Tools Benefit Your Organization

If you’re not incorporating Facebook’s Charitable Giving features into your philanthropy matrix, your non-profit organization is missing a valuable opportunity to capture donations. The fundraising tools enable you to connect with your audience, solicit donations, and empower donors to fundraise on your behalf.

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Industry Insights: Monthly Giving

Subscription-based shopping for common products like toothpaste and cleaning supplies has increased exponentially in popularity over the past few years. For example, I receive a bulk order of dog food from Amazon every eight months. Before I recognize the food is running low, Amazon automatically ships the refill, and “ta-da!” it arrives at my door just as Toby needs it.

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5 Reasons Non-Profits Should Continue Fundraising – Despite COVID-19

Fundraising – like pretty much everything else – during a global pandemic feels confusing, uncertain, and slightly uncomfortable; however, it is critical you recognize that your non-profit organization continues to meet the needs in your community and contribute to it in essential ways. Frankly, you must continue to generate income to support your mission and work.

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