The Killoe Group

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Summer Friendraisers

It’s time to break out that appointment book and start getting some dates with your top donors! Summertime is a great time for friendraising, either one-on-one or in groups. It’s a time to catch up over a long lunch, or meet up for coffee, or maybe even have an after-hours get together at someone’s house. If a board member or other committed volunteer has a home that’s great for entertaining, and they’re up for it, ask if you can schedule a relaxed dinner or wine and hors d'oeuvre event.

You can reach out to board members and ask them to invite one or two people they know with capacity who would like to learn more about your organization. It doesn’t have to be a hard sell on their part, it’s as easy as “There’s this group doing great work that I’m proud to be a part of, and I think you’d really like it. Would you and (Spouse / Significant other) be open to coming with me to a small event to learn more about it?”

Your organization would take care of the food, wine, and a brief presentation about your work and why it matters. It’s not an ask event – that would come later! These friendraisers are a great way to make connections and broaden your network. Best of all, summertime is the perfect time to host these events.