Summer Donor Meet Ups

Much of the non-profit and business world seems to slow down in the summer, and that makes it a great time to connect with your donors and thank them for their support! It doesn’t have to be big and formal – a morning coffee and meet up are a great way to update them on what’s happening in the organization, and to share some impact stories of their donations. Here are a few ideas to give some structure to those meetings: 

  1. Handwritten thank you notes – especially from program staff or participants can be very meaningful! Arrange those ahead of time and deliver to your donor, along with a photograph of people who benefitted from their philanthropy. That kind of simple gesture goes a long way to making donors feel great about their gifts. 

  2. Impact Report – a simple one-page document discussing what was accomplished and what the near future holds for the organization is another great way to steward donors. 

  3. Ask for opinions! The old adage is true – if you want money, ask for advice. Ask your donor what they think about the organization’s direction and what can improve it. Ask if there is anyone else in the community you should be connecting with. Ask about your upcoming fall appeal and what they think you should focus on – what’s been most important and impactful for them as donors? Finally, if it makes sense, bring a current issue forward – maybe about a program’s expansion or new direction – and ask what they think about it. Engaging your donors as more than just a pocketbook will help them feel stronger about your organization.