The Killoe Group

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Fundraising with Authenticity

The more the world is saturated in things that are fake (think AI created images, or staged ‘reality’ TV), the more that authenticity resonates with donors. Being true to yourself and your organization, and being comfortable in that zone, means that you don’t have to chase the latest trends.

You can communicate and interact with your donors in an authentic way to build lasting relationships.  

  1. Avoid flattery and a transactional mentality. We all know what it’s like when someone is ‘selling’ us on something. When they have a vested interest in getting our ‘yes.’ Donors are savvy and see through that. A word or image of sincere gratitude goes further than a paragraph of flattery.  

  2. Listen twice as much as you speak. The old chestnut is true – seek first to understand your donors, what’s important to them, and what they want to get out of their philanthropy. By starting with your donor’s needs and vision, you can find opportunities for them to connect with meaningful work through your organization. But you have to know what’s important to each donor, and respond in kind. 

  3. Let your clients do the thanking. Find ways to engage your mission – and those who benefit from it – in your stewardship. Pictures are worth a thousand words, and a few words of thanks from the people who benefitted from your donor’s gift, that’s the best kind of recognition. Don’t script or polish up the language too much, let that authenticity shine through.  

  4. Keep it personal. People give to people – and your donors are giving because they believe in your cause. Always tie it back to that, and to what you know motivates their giving. Maybe it’s to honor a deceased parent or loved one. Maybe it’s to fight a disease that has affected them. Maybe it’s to save an animal, because of an experience with a beloved pet. Remind your donors that you remember why they give, and they’ll feel that much more connected with your organization and the good work you’re doing together.  

These are just a few examples! Killoe Group works with many organizations on stewardship strategies and messaging. Do you think you might need help in this area? Let’s talk! Reach out today to get a conversation started, and let’s get your fundraising to the next level.